The 83th Station of Coowor Global Promotion Tour—Philippines
Active Date: 2019-11-07On November 7, 2019, HVAC / R PHILIPPINES, hosted by the Philippines Global-Link Company and strongly supported by the Philippine Building Association, opened in Manila for four days.
The 78th Station of Coowor Global Promotion Tour—Thailand
Active Date: 2019-09-25The 12th Bangkok Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning 2019 opened today and will last for four days
The 77th Station of Coowor Global Promotion Tour—Brazil
Active Date: 2019-09-10On 10th September, 2019, the International Exhibition on Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation,Heating and Air Treatment (FEBRAVA) was grandly opened at Sao Paulo. Founded in 1979, FEBRAVA is held every two years and is hosted by the famous Brazilian company Alcantara Machado and Reed Exhibitions.
The 73th Station of Coowor Global Promotion Tour—Nigeria
Active Date: 2019-07-11At 10:00 am, local time, on July11st, 2019, The three-day MEGACLIMA 2019 opened at Landmark Centre in lagos, Nigeria, and this is the third air conditioning and refrigeration exhibition.